Heart Training

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A Child's Perspective

The wonder of the Christmas season is often propelled by a child’s perspective. Enhancing the decorations, activities, and gift giving is the excitement of children. Their bubbling anticipation of gifts adds to the merriness.


This time of year, it is worth pondering what captures and holds our attention. Which child’s perspective do we choose? As we see life through the lens of the Christ child, God’s gift can transform us. Our thoughts and actions can center on the hope, peace, joy, and love found in Jesus. These aspects of the Advent celebration, focusing on anticipation, can be close to our heart throughout the year. As believers, we can choose every day to celebrate the gift of our savior.


The realized hope of Jesus’ first coming and the anticipation of his second coming are the keys to our faith. Being motivated by our need for a savior, we can set our heart and mind on things above. We ought to live in anticipation of Jesus’ return, desiring to be found ready.


The peace Jesus offers is through the communion he allows us with God. Trusting in God’s sovereignty, because we rest in Jesus, ushers in peace. Casting on him the cares of our living gives us indescribable peace, and we are freed to focus on Jesus, the sustainer of our faith.


“Joy to the world, the Lord is come,” we merrily sing, but do we reflect this in our daily life? Does Jesus coming to Earth as the long-awaited Messiah bring us joy that others notice? If it doesn’t, may we consider what is his affect in our lives. Joy in Jesus comes from the hope, peace, and love he lavishly gifts us as we fellowship with him.


Love seems to be heightened during the Christmas season. We may notice people being more kind, cheerful, and giving. But love, the outpouring of mercy and selfless goodness, has its source in Jesus. Our love for others is an extension of the love we receive from God, which was his motivation for sending Jesus to rescue us as only he can.


At Christmas time, may we take the perspective of celebrating the Christ child, focusing on this greatest gift. Throughout the year, may we choose to live each day with the hope, peace, joy, and love that overflow from Jesus, the Messiah.