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Choose Your Focus

A good snowball fight is fun! But, getting pelted by everyday responsibilities, expectations, and emotions is not so fun as an adult. There is a lot that gets thrown at us on the daily.

As believers, we ought to sift out and deal with whatever pulls us from God, be it mindless timewasters, our knee-jerk reactions, or self-induced busyness. Sometimes it’s easier just to excuse our actions and reactions, isn’t it? We may say, “That’s just the way I am” or “It’s no big deal. I’m forgiven and God loves me!”  


God does love us! Let’s not cheapen that, though; let’s remember whom we serve and how our salvation was bought. The excuses that we allow to justify our selfishness are an offense to God. He wants us to be in reverent awe of him, love him, and live to honor him. He also deserves that! “For great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; he is to be feared above all gods” (1 Chronicles 16:25 NIV, letter X for Excellent in Follow and Lead).


Do we realize that we are not representing God and the hope of Jesus when we live in rebellion against God’s ways? Acting with selfish motivation does not allow us to represent the God we say we serve. That is a sobering thought. As God’s children, we should strive to represent our Father, giving him the honor he is due. Then, when we stumble, we can demonstrate Jesus’ grace and mercy by repenting and changing our behavior. Daniel 9:9 (NIV) reminds us, “The Lord our God is merciful and forgiving, even though we have rebelled against him” (letter M for Merciful in Follow and Lead).

Jesus is the master transformer of lives submitted to him. No one is beyond hope. Jesus never allows us to stay in the condition in which we meet him, because he loves us too much and the power of the Holy Spirit is at work within us. As our creator, he not only made us in his image, but he is growing us in godliness.


Meditating on God’s majesty, holiness, and love thrusts us toward him! Praising God reminds us of whose we are. Our growing relationship with him motivates us to grow in his likeness. Get a copy of Follow and Lead to work through each day for 26 weeks to see how focusing on God will affect your life!