Heart Training

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Confused or Infused?

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Confused or Infused?

More than ever, children today are getting confused.

Someone is giving your children ideas to follow. How mindful are you of the source?

What used to be considered the norm is now getting muddled or opposed. Children are being presented with distorted values at schools, from friends, in books, and on social media.

How do we direct them to what is good and true?


God is good and true, and following his ways honors him. Thankfully and assuredly, God always provides the means to honor him. He is faithful to equip us and help us do what is his good based on his truth (Hebrews 13:21).

Are your children getting infused with God’s truths?

We need to be proactive in this, both offensively – to direct them, and defensively – to counter what comes at them.


At the core, God says that parents are responsible for teaching children about his truths, ways, and love (Deuteronomy 6:5-9). This is vital to equip your children to discern good versus evil.

But, putting in the time and effort can be a challenge with all the activities kids are in and all the independent ways both parents and children use their time. Parent or not, complaints of exasperation about too-full days echo everywhere.

Thankfully, using Do LAPS! as a family discipleship tool provides a simple, meaningful, and fun way to help you train up your children in the Lord. Do LAPS! lays out verses to memorize, discussions, activities, and brief Bible lessons so you don’t have to wonder, “What am I supposed to do?!”


Do you catch yourself also wondering why your ‘family time’ is slipping away? And have you noticed negative consequences of this, like a lack of interaction, a lack of direction, or a lack of motivation?

Consider what you value and choose accordingly with filling your time. Don’t let the culture direct your schedule – consider who you serve!

One way to help families get back togetherness and purpose is to spend time together in meaningful ways. Talk, serve, play, create! Let your child see that you value him or her as God’s created individual and an important part of your family. By spending time together, projecting a godly mindset in love, you can demonstrate how honoring God is woven into daily life. Conversations about what is being presented by the culture and countering it with God’s truths will become more natural.

Do LAPS! makes this do-able! Let’s be sure our kids are infused with the love and truth of God!

Get a copy of Do LAPS! for your family, or a family you know, to put this into practice!