Heart Training

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Drawn to Jesus

As I listened to a Voice of the Martyrs Radio podcast recently, I heard a story about a woman in Iran who, following Jesus for less than five years, has already planted thirty house churches! Her name and voice were changed for her protection. She shared how she told people about Jesus: she identified with their worries and pain, and then would let them know that Jesus can help heal them. When asked about her fears, she said, “I was blind. I didn’t see the Islamic regime. I just want to help people take the pain out and help them know Christ… Later I was thinking, ‘Wow, this is dangerous! How did I do it?’… The time I was most scared about was distributing Bibles. Always, I was praying with God and 100% knowing God will take care of me, and then peace came.” She would ask others to come meet with a few people to share concerns and pray. She shared that those are powerful times, and people are continuing to respond to Jesus.

Let’s pray for those drawn to Jesus in Iran:

Mighty God, your love and omnipotence break through barriers set against you! Thank you for drawing near to the spiritually-seeking Iranians. Embolden Christians there to follow the Holy Spirit’s lead to those who want more than what Islam offers. Protect your followers as they risk their jobs, safety, or even lives to tell hurting friends about Jesus. Avert the eyes of the regime from seeing Christians witness, and also soften the leaders’ hearts to allow people in Iran to worship you. May you be glorified!