Heart Training

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For Jesus

On the World Watch List for countries where it is most difficult to be a follower of Jesus, Iran is ranked ninth. The most persecuted believers there are those who have converted from Islam; those individuals are deemed a threat to the Islamic regime of the country. What a testimony to the love and power of Jesus Christ, that those once in opposition to him as Savior would risk their safety and well-being to submit to him. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and he draws people to himself. In tenuous environments such as in Iran, believers hold fast to the words of God as they read their Bibles and follow him.

Let’s pray for these Iranian believers, who treasure God’s Word:

God of Truth, thank you for wanting to be in relationship with us, your creation, and for speaking through your Word. As those in Iran hunger for you, please open their eyes to your majesty and love. We ask for your favor on the converts there as they choose to follow Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Be their refuge and strength when they face opposition. You are able to provide all they need through the glorious riches of Christ Jesus!