Heart Training

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For the Family

Praying for family members is important. Through Jesus, we can approach God with confidence and ask for his wisdom, healing, blessing, and protection – spiritually, mentally, and physically. The persecuted believers around the world are our brothers and sisters in Christ, and they value our prayers on their behalf. Our petitions provide almost a tangible sense of encouragement to those suffering, knowing their needs are being brought by us before the throne of almighty God. These spiritual family members who live at risk for Jesus exemplify counting the cost of discipleship – submitting to him in trust, dependence, and hope.

Let’s use 2 Thessalonians 1:3-6 and 11-12 as a framework to pray for these persecuted family members, in whom God delights and strengthens:

God, we thank you for our brothers and sisters who are persecuted for the sake of Christ. May they experience comfort knowing we are praying for them. Their abundance of faith and love amidst the trials they endure inspire us. God, your judgment is right and just. We thank you in advance for counting these sufferers worthy of your kingdom, and we have confidence in how you will handle their persecutors. We pray that you would use the believers’ witness to bring about spiritual conversion to their enemies. By your power, may you fulfill every good purpose of these believers and every act prompted by their faith. May our Lord Jesus be glorified in them, according to his grace.