Heart Training

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Have Hope

Do you ever loosen your grip on hope when something or someone gets you down?

Perhaps you have your goals set, but you keep falling short of them. You might have special people in your life who need a change, but it does not seem to be happening. You see what is going on around you and project things can only go downhill.

The more our mindset travels toward a dead end, the more our thoughts spin on that deflated perspective. Sometimes it can feel like hope is lost.

Have we forgotten to whom we belong?

Our Father is the powerful God who is in the business of changing lives and whose purposes prevail! There is always hope! God declares, “I am the LORD, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?” (Jeremiah 32:27 NIV, Follow and Lead letter P).

We sometimes forget that God has his omnipotent plans and his perfect timing. He says that his thoughts are not our thoughts, nor are his ways our ways (Isaiah 55:8). We only see from our vantage point, which is limited and inherently self-serving. God has omniscience and compassion as he works in each of our lives and collectively.

God knows what each of us needs in order to be ready for our self or situation to change. Aren’t you glad that he knows all the details – past, present, and future – to take care of us so carefully? He sometimes changes our situation and sometimes he changes us. He wants us to draw near to him (James 4:8). The difficult times often produce the most spiritual growth as we remain even closer to him.  

Consider Paul and Silas when they were unjustly flogged and thrown into prison due to accusations of disrupting Roman practices (Acts 16:16-34). God did not cause the Roman leaders to have a change of heart and release Paul and Silas. Did Paul and Silas lose hope? No; this was to be an opportunity to witness for the Lord.

Paul and Silas knew that their actions had been honoring to God, and they continued to draw near to him by praying and singing hymns while in the prison cell. God was with them. The gospel had the opportunity to be shared with those who heard the prayers and songs.

Then, God changed Paul and Silas’ situation. Using a violent earthquake to brake open the jail, God provided their rescue. He also gave redemption through Jesus to the jailer and his family. What a jubilant outcome from a terrible situation!

We, too, can be encouraged by the God of hope who is able fill us with joy and peace as we trust in him, so that we may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 15:13)!

For more encouragement, read a previous post about how our great God gives us hope!