Heart Training

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On the Run

Do you run?

Are you on the run?

Have you run from something? Have you run to something or someone?

Thoughts run through our minds. Dreams are chased. Someone runs laps around us.

What is it about running that is both challenging and exhilarating, satisfying and addicting?


The Christian faith is run with perseverance.

We strive to run a good race as a believer.

Being with Jesus face to face is the finish line, hearing him say, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.”


“I run in the path of your commands, for you have broadened my understanding,” writes the psalmist in chapter 119, verse 32.

 Let’s unpack this goal:

-          There is action, by the one speaking it.

-          There is a guided path, put in place by God.

-          There is direction, given by God’s commands.

-          There is motivation, as God has proved himself faithful.

-          There is a reward - the understanding of God and his ways are broadened.


God knows what is best. Obeying God gives him the glory he deserves as the one true God.

When I would run track in high school, the team would have to run laps around the track. It could get tedious, but we knew the process was training us for being faster, smarter runners.

As believers who are running in the path of God’s commands, we can practice remembering God’s ways by repeating them regularly. When we understand and memorize a Bible verse, we can keep it in our mind by recalling it frequently. In Psalms (119:11) we read, “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.”

In order to hide something, it must be kept. Recalling God’s words within our heart and mind are weapons that can be used in spiritual warfare.

Let’s keep on track and do laps with the words of God!