Heart Training

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For Christ

Tomorrow, June 29, marks the Voice of the Martyrs ministry’s Day of the Christian Martyr, drawing our attention to those who have given their lives for the sake of Jesus Christ. It commemorates the apostle Paul being martyred by the hands of the Romans in AD 68. Paul’s life demonstrates a powerful 180 degree turn in the object of his zeal – against Christ followers, then toward Christ. As Saul the Pharisee, he determines to fully immerse himself in following God’s laws, believing he is acting in God’s favor as he persecutes followers of Jesus. After Jesus chooses to rescue Saul, Saul imparts that same level of zeal to point others to salvation through Jesus. To be more relatable to those to whom he is witnessing, Paul even uses the Roman version of his name. So many Christ followers have been willing to give up their lives for love of Jesus, as Jesus lovingly gave his life for them. May God use their witness to draw others to himself.

Let’s pray:

Holy God, we are eternally grateful for Jesus’ sacrifice, done out of love for us. May we count the cost of following you; help us to choose you and share you with others. May those lives martyred for your name’s sake bring a multiplication of new lives transformed by you, Lord. Use us each day to bring glory to you, pointing others to Jesus. May we take to heart the words you gave the apostle Paul, encouraging us that, “To live is Christ and to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21).