Heart Training

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Standing Firm

Pray that we will stand firm in our faith. This is the request of many believers in areas hostile to Christians.

Hearing first-hand accounts from family members of those who have been persecuted or killed for proclaiming Jesus draws the family of God closer. We are reminded of the great extent to which these believers stand firm in Jesus. Recently, I listened to podcasts through Voice of the Martyrs that featured women whose husbands and father chose to die for Jesus’ sake, rather than denounce their faith.

These women did not deny the hurt or sorrow they felt in losing their loved one, but they emphasized that love for and commitment to Jesus took greater priority. This was true for their loved one and it helped their own perspective as they suffered loss. Jesus says our love for and commitment to him should make other love pale in comparison. May we also demonstrate that in our daily lives as we stand firm in our faith.

Let’s pray for these global family members suffering persecution:

Heavenly Father, your love for us is beyond measure. I ask that those who are persecuted for your sake would deeply know your love, bringing them wisdom and peace. May they stand firm in their faith, demonstrating that following Jesus is worth everything. May God be glorified.