Heart Training

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The apostle Peter writes about suffering for Jesus. As we give up our fleshly desires to honor the Lord, we may be criticized by others for doing so. Staying steadfast, though, will grow us in godliness and bring praise to God. Being persecuted, not just criticized, brings this to a deeper level. Some Christians suffer because their faith is not even recognized by their family or community. Believers who live in areas that squelch the outward display of following Jesus live with this potential suffering always in their minds. When the people around them discriminate based on their faith and falsely accuse them of wrongdoing, these believers must choose to keep their hope and focus on Christ. He alone is their anchor, refuge, and hope.

Let’s pray for these believers, using some of Peter’s words from 1 Peter 4:12-16:

God, thank you for salvation through Jesus’ sacrifice and resurrection. As we live for Jesus, we know that we should expect to suffer for him, because he suffered for us. We bring before you our persecuted brothers and sisters, knowing that you are their anchor and refuge. Give them strength to endure and rejoice in the privilege of participating in the sufferings of Christ. If they are insulted because of the name of Christ, remind them that they are blessed. The Spirit of glory and of God rests on them. Fill them with your peace and hope.