Heart Training

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Take a Stand

Being able to stand up for God’s truths takes courage!

Have you heard it said that if you say nothing it is as if you are agreeing? As children, we may have been told this when a friend was being mistreated by others. We were challenged to stand up for our friend and stand for what is true.

As an adult, it sometimes seems a little harder to do that when it relates to standing up for God when his truths are being attacked. However, we ought to take a stand for God, because if something is against God, it is for evil.

Jesus warned that the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Jesus, however, came to give us abundant life in himself (John 10:10, letter H in Follow and Lead)! Can you think of a modern weapon used by the thief to steal, kill, and destroy?

Consider the various actions in society that are encouraging beliefs against God’s standard of and standards for his human creation. This warping of God’s design has surfaced in schools, media, commerce, events, etc., and we can read about it in the news or may know about it within our own circles. Some people even espouse that God approves of these actions, contrary to what the Word of God declares.

Is God confused in how he made each of us or with what is best for each of us? Of course not! We, however, are often confused by our emotions. They are neither static nor dependable and can take us down paths that travel away from God’s best. God’s truths, rather than our emotions, should guide our decisions. By reading the Word of God we can learn what his standards are and how to handle issues in truth and love, without losing sight of the valuable person God created.

How are we Christians handling such contradictions to God’s truth?

Are we knowledgeable on what God says is true? Are we standing up for God and his truth? Staying silent? Gawking? Being too kind so as not to offend?

We are to live as children of light - in goodness, righteousness, and truth, and expose the deeds of darkness (Ephesians 5:8-10).

This is one way to stand on the Rock - for God and his truths!

Read more about representing God’s truths in this previous post.