Heart Training

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The Answer

As I read current news articles, so often my heart breaks.

It breaks for victims and their families.

It breaks for perpetrators who are so lost without Jesus that evil rules their hearts.

Jesus is the answer to life’s deep questions. God’s truths are the blueprint for daily life.

As Christ followers, we are strangers in this world. Do our lives demonstrate that we serve King Jesus of the heavenly realms? Are we soldiering for him as we combat the spiritual forces of evil?

I am reminded of Jesus is the Answer by Andrae Crouch. “Jesus is the answer for the world today / Above him there’s no other/ Jesus is the way / If you have some questions in the corner of your mind / Traces of discouragement / The peace you cannot find / Reflections of your past seem to face you every day / But this one thing I do know / That Jesus is the way.”

Something I have pondered for years is how different my community, our communities, would be if more people learned about, and then lived according to, God’s ways. More people would be doers of the Word, not hearers only. During this time on Earth, there would still be sorrow and sin, but there would be a prevailing hope in Jesus, and we would turn to him for our value, direction, and trust.

Is Jesus on my mind as I go about my day? That is my aim. The Holy Spirit guides me by using the words of God through my time spent with him, what he teaches me, and the verses I have hidden in my heart. What an impactful gift of a personal relationship with the one, true God!

Do I point others to Jesus through my attitude of love, patience, and integrity?

Do I give God the glory for the good I acknowledge to others?   

Do I pray for needs of those with whom I interact?

We all need hope, and Jesus is the answer!