Heart Training

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The Cost

In Luke 11:4 Jesus says, “If anyone would come after me he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” We need to daily self-assess how we are ‘coming after’ Jesus. As we look at our lives, how much self-denying and cross-carrying is there? The degree to which these happen in our lives can depend on our life circumstances. For Christ followers in countries on the World Watch List (Open Doors USA), the cost of following Jesus is great… but the reward of knowing Jesus, in the present and future, they know is greater. Their personal, social, and economic struggle is real. Our prayers on their behalf strengthen and encourage them.

Let’s pray, in the powerful name of Jesus, for these Christian family members:

All-sufficient God, you are able to meet our needs. Our brothers and sisters in hostile areas need your Holy Spirit to bring them encouragement and wisdom. Embolden their commitment to you when they are facing opposition and when they are alone, trusting secretly in you. Give them your eyes to see who is ready to hear about forgiveness through Jesus Christ. Help them to shine your light in the darkness of their daily circumstances. May they be strengthened through the support of believers praying for them, in the mighty name of Jesus.