Heart Training

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The Gift

Does a present wrapped with a big bow bring a smile to your face?

A pretty package given in love is how we often think of a special Christmas gift.

We like to think of God’s gift of Jesus like that. But, boy, it wasn’t presented in a pretty way.

There was the unusual arrival of baby Jesus in a lowly manger scene and the death of savior Jesus, disfigured on a cross – and neither was pretty.

On both accounts, Jesus went through more than we can imagine, out of obedience to God the Father and love for people. He gave up a perfect setting and constant worship to save us from the consequences of our sinful state. He endured living among sin and ignorance, so that we could be in communion with the Father.

Jesus’ payment for our sin is an outrageous gift of love! How do we respond to such a gift?

It is given for us to accept, not just acknowledge... to open, not just hold… to use, not just set aside. Out of gratitude, we thank the Giver.

We admit our own sin and the need for Jesus’ sacrifice and resurrection. We submit our will to Jesus’, giving up our desires to instead follow him. We learn wisdom, grow in faith, and serve Jesus. We obey God in reverence and share him in love.

The receipt and use of this life-altering gift is often not pretty, either. We see our desperate spiritual condition, we wrestle with submission, and we fight the spiritual battles. Following Jesus is not neat and tidy, but it is beautiful.

There is glorious beauty in how we are transformed through Jesus’ love and our obedience to him. This reflects in our relationship with God, in becoming more like Jesus, in seeing his power at work in us… and in sharing him with others.

How can you thank God for his magnificent gift of Jesus? Live for him! “Therefore, I urge you brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to him. This is your true and proper worship.” (Romans 12:1 NIV)

Have a blessed and merry Christmas!