Heart Training

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Iranian Believers

Today, June 29, is the Day of the Christian Martyr. Churches around the world honor those who gave their lives for the advancement of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

In Iran, converts to Christianity from Islam can face the death penalty, according to Iran’s Islamic law.

While attending home church activities, Iranian Christians may experience police raids with dehumanizing treatment. The believers may be put in prison for years. Though quite a small percentage of the population in Iran, Christians are considered a national security threat and are monitored accordingly.

Iranian Christians understand the risk of meeting with other believers to worship Jesus. Knowing they will probably be met by the Iranian Secret Service, most Christians in Iran prepare in advance for facing such persecution.

Their hope is in Jesus, and they choose to serve Jesus having counted the cost.

To learn and memorize God’s truths, these Iranian Christians long to read their own copy of God’s Word. With each purchase of Do LAPS! and Keep on Track, Bibles are being given to Iranian Christians. This is currently being provided through the ministry of Heaven’s Family.

Let’s keep our Iranian brothers and sisters in our prayers.

King Jesus, we are forever grateful for the great price you paid for our salvation. These Iranian believers who are willing to risk their lives for you remind us that you are worth our whole being. Please provide your peace and strength to these brothers and sisters in the family of God. May they be a vessel of your love and transforming power to their persecutors and all who are watching. May you be glorified.