Heart Training

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The Word

Are you making good use of your copy of the Bible by reading it and hiding it in your heart? Remember that throughout many parts of the world, Bibles are scarce or illegal to own! Secretive Jesus followers in countries hostile to Christians earnestly desire their own copy of God’s Word. They want to read, learn from, and hide the scriptures in their hearts to give them hope and encouragement, strengthening their commitment to Jesus. When persecuted believers are oppressed because of their faith, the memorized words of God come to mind and sustain them. What a blessing it is to have ministries that support the family of God by smuggling in Bibles, presenting radio readings, or dropping audio Bibles from the air. Prayer for being a faithful witness and for Bibles are the top two requests from believers living in hostile regions.

Let’s pray for such believers to be able to experience God’s Word first-hand:

God, during challenging times, your words and the Living Word provide great hope. May they nourish the believers across the globe who are forced to live out their faith with great restraint because of the potential for intense persecution. As these members in the family of God hear and read from the Bible, open their hearts for understanding and their minds for memorizing. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, may your truths strengthen these persecuted believers to be a witness for Jesus.