Heart Training

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What's Your Mindset?

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What’s Your Mindset?

Is your mindset one of living each day to the fullest?

How we spend the time we have been given reflects what or who we value.

You might think, “I can’t control how much time I have to spend at my job or tending to my kids or keeping up with housework …” This, indeed, may be the case. Or, it may have gotten this way by default. Either way, we each determine our purpose and responses within a day.

What is your mindset? Start by remembering who created you.

God miraculously formed you with a personality and potential. He knows each one of us by name and all the details in our lives. God wants us to live the life to which he called us! Because he gives us each day, we should not squander our time. There is a children’s song with lyrics that teach, “I am a promise. I am a possibility. I am a promise with a capital P. I am a great big bundle of potentiality. I am learning to hear God’s voice and I am trying to make the right choice. I am a promise to be anything God wants me to be!”

It is exciting the think that each one of us can be who God calls us to be, no matter our station in life. Foremost, he wants us to be in relationship with him. This relationship, in love and humility, brings growth, purpose, and blessing (John 15:4). And, it is not dependent on our situation. Our Heavenly Father does not excuse us from uniting with him and obeying him just because our circumstance is less than our ideal or we feel too busy.

What is your mindset? Think about who gives you breath each day.

Think about who you are honoring by how you live out your day. Do you spend your time in such a way to demonstrate that you are grateful to God for the time he gives you on Earth? Do you relish the opportunity to know God more and grow in him? Do you enjoy the continuous privilege of talking with God throughout the day?

“Whatever you do, work at with all your heart as working for the Lord, not human masters, because you know will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward” (Colossians 3:23-24 NIV, letter W in Keep on Track). God allows us to be stewards of what he entrusts to us, be it time, relationships, jobs, or things. Do we invest in these gifts by living to our potential to honor God?

What is our mindset as believers? Do we do our best in appreciation for what God allows in our life? Let’s aim to live out each day in a way that shows thanks to our God!

Need to adjust your mindset? Begin each day in God’s truths when you work through Keep on Track!