Heart Training

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Who's in the Lead?

What we believe, we act upon.

On it hinges our views, our mindsets, our actions, and our hope.

What we believe about Jesus, Son of God, is the hinge point of life. A sincere relationship in love and worship will impact all we do.

Reading God’s Word grows us in knowledge, wisdom, and worship. Jesus said that we show our love for him through obedience to him. This glorious cycle of worship, obedience, and transformation comes through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Spending time in God’s presence should also remind us that we are a part of the family of God. We have the joy of praying for our brothers and sisters in Christ, whether near or far. For those that are persecuted, their steadfastness in serving God in the midst of suffering shines as an example to encourage us on our faith journey.

As I grow deeper in learning about what God desires, in worship and obedience, I stand in awe of God. I am amazed at both his holiness and his desire to be close to me, a sinner. I am grateful for Jesus’ work on the cross. I am grateful for God’s patience as I submit to him, sometimes taking too long to realize my selfishness. The joy in my soul overwhelms me when I am alone in God’s presence.

As I study God’s Word, I learn to trust him more. I believe who God is as I meditate on his character and recount seeing those traits as he has worked in my life. This encourages me to act in ways that demonstrate my love for him. I choose to obey his commands. At times I fail, repent, and choose again to obey. My spirit is willing, but my flesh is weak. Having daily time in God’s Word strengthens me.

Seeing God’s hand at work in my life reminds me to trust him. ‘Seeing is believing.’

As I trust and obey, God leads me in his ways.