Heart Training

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Wise Counsel

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Wise Counsel

Who do you turn to for advice?

Do you have a mentor or close friend? Do you find yourself persuaded by trends on social media? We need to be careful what we feed our mind and emotions.

Are we seeking wisdom from the world or from godly people? The writer of Proverbs advises, “He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm” (Proverbs 13:20, letter H in Keep on Track). Surrounding ourselves with those who have a mature faith and have sought the Lord through life’s lessons is critical to growing wise.


Consider some ways we may seek discernment: wondering in solitude; getting input from those who do not have God’s best in mind; tossing around ideas with people who have no real concern for us.

What could possibly go wrong with these choices?

Have you noticed that sometimes when you are alone in your thoughts, your decisions can waver and you can justify either option in question? You may misidentify who is weaving your thoughts. Our personal thoughts are not dependable. We are easily swayed by our emotions or people’s accolades, rather than what is of God.

Have you noticed that other people often present their advice from their state of humanness? Their ideas may be motivated by selfishness, rather than godliness. We need to be careful with whom we surround ourselves so that we are not veered away from the source of holiness.

And, have you noticed how airing concerns on social media often creates a stir? Attention-seeking individuals may give their opinions in hopes of getting a reaction. Their advice is not coming from a place of sincere care or meaningful consideration.


So, how do we receive the best counsel for our decisions and actions?


The apostle Paul tells us to find out what pleases the Lord (Ephesians 5:10) and then, knowing God’s good and perfect will, conform to him and not the world (Romans 12:2). Proverbs 2:6 reads, “For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding” (letter W in Follow and Lead). We gain wisdom from the Word and from those who seek God and live for him.

How refreshing when our spiritual eyes are opened! We cannot honor God if we do not know what honors him. Let’s choose to find out and then conform to his ways with the help of the Holy Spirit!

You will find daily meditations to focus on God’s truths when you use the Heart Training books.