Heart Training

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On the Rise

“The Church in Iran is growing incredibly rapidly,” states Todd Nettleton with Voice of the Martyrs. “Operation World says the fastest growing Church in the world is in the Islamic Republic of Iran.”

“Despite an Islamic government that systematically harasses and imprisons Christian converts and indoctrinates its youth into Islam, Christianity is growing at unprecedented rates in Iran,” reports Faithwire’s Dan Andros on CBN News, June 6, 2020. Watch the video.

Discontent Muslims are ready to accept Jesus. Many converts to Christianity relay how Jesus has shown himself in dreams, offering them peace as the true God. This hope and peace that can only come from Jesus, stronger than the cords that attempt to bind their faith, is drawing Muslims to Christianity.

God works in mysterious ways, and one is how the rate of believers increases during times of persecution.

Let’s pray for God to continue to move among the Iranians:

Heavenly Father, your ways and thoughts are higher than ours. May your will be done in Iranians as they are searching for the one true God. As you reveal Jesus to individuals there, give them to courage to accept Jesus, strength to endure opposition, and peace to let you lead them. Protect them from the enemy as they share the Good News between other believers and to those ready to follow Jesus.