Heart Training

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A Mother's Lead

Each of us was designed, in detail and with purpose, by our loving Creator.

Each of us is present because our mother brought us into the world.

Were you extra blessed to have a mother who was intentional about turning your heart toward God? A Christian mother has the commission to train her children in the Lord, and, thankfully, has help from God the Father in that process. He is the perfect example to guide a mother (and father).

With our children being our mirrors, the Lord can use mothering to open our eyes to what we reflect. “The process of shaping the child, shapes also the mother herself. Reverence for sacred burden calls her to be all that is pure and good, that she may teach primarily by her humble, daily example” (Elisabeth Elliot). Allowing our children to see humility when we need forgiveness helps them experience the value of relationship. Forgiveness, love, and pursuit of God go a long way. Mothering is such good practice in spiritual growth, isn’t it?


“What is a godly mother? A godly mother is the one who loves the Lord her God with all her heart, soul, mind, and strength and then passionately, consistently, and unrelentingly teaches her child to do the same” (Elizabeth George). What a gift to be able to talk with our Father and bring the burdens for our children before the Lord. He knows them more intimately than we do and knows their present and future needs better than we do. The prayers for our children never end; perhaps they intensify as our children get older. There is a spiritual battle for our children’s hearts.


Mothering can be overwhelming with so much output of love, direction, and care. Raising children – who serve and love the Lord and love others, who use the talents God has given them in the setting God has placed them, and who seek to do God’s will – is a valuable and challenging job! “Children are not a distraction from more important work. They are the most important work” (CS Lewis). Being an intentional mother is important. It means spending time with our children when we could use a break, choosing to exercise self-control when it’s easier to just react, planning activities to enrich our children when we have already done ‘such-n-such’ so many other times…. Giving our children the gifts of time, presence, and spiritual training makes a world of difference as they make a difference in the world.


Mothering in the present, in light of future goals, takes sacrifice, love, mercy, and foresight. Our Heavenly Father understands.