Heart Training

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Have you watched the classic movie It’s a Wonderful Life?

I’d love to write an analysis paper about its themes. Seriously, I would consider doing that for fun! There is so much to think about in that movie. The character George Bailey was fortunate to see how his life affected so many other people. To learn how you made an impact in someone’s life can make a day feel more valuable, and it is a reminder that you matter!

It’s a wonderful gift to be told by someone that you have made a difference in his or her life.

We are to spur one another on in love and good deeds, as Hebrews 10:24 reminds us, and it can be inspiring to know how God works through us. I am thankful when individuals take the time to encourage me with their words, and I enjoy giving that gift to others. What a blessing when an adult child tells a parent, when a former student tells a teacher, or when one friend tells another friend of the positive impact that person has made in his or her life.

Sometimes the knowledge of our impact is not learned until much later. When spoken, those delayed sentiments seem to be timed just when they are most needed to be heard. God knows just the encouragement we need… and he often meets our needs through another’s words of kindness.

Impacting others with the love of Christ can be met through our actions, words, and attitudes. It is worth remembering that as believers we are to serve as Jesus did. When I am getting weary of doing good without hearing thanks, I realize that attitude points toward serving myself. However, when I am doing good and selflessly serving, the only accolades I truly need are knowing I am pleasing my heavenly Father. That focus can help me get through the dry times. (Positive human feedback sure helps, though!)

An impact leaves an impression. Whose impression will you leave?