Heart Training

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In Training

There is so much training related to children!

Potty training, table-time training, bedtime training, social training, academic training, physical training... 

You also know the need for spiritual training.

Spiritual training needs to be taught and modeled and that is something about which I am passionate!


At any age, children are precious. Raising them is one of the most important jobs in the world.

Today’s culture has a way of undermining parents’ efforts to raise godly children. It is stifling the Christian faith which you are desiring to grow in your child. School curricula and social media are vying with Christian families in an effort to put children’s focus onto themselves and onto non-Christian worldviews.

Days are full. With all the activities and screen time nowadays, spending time in God’s Word unassumingly shifts to the last place. This can change, however, as you guide your child in spiritual training, such as with Do LAPS!  Together, as you daily train to be godly, you both will grow in Christlikeness.

Raising your child to know God and follow his ways is of utmost importance, for both the present and the future. Through understanding, memorizing, and praying Bible verses that are applicable to daily life, your child will develop a deeper relationship with God. Your child can learn how God’s Word is “useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16b).


What a gift you as a parent can give to your child: the discipline of daily spiritual training, in order to reap spiritual fruit and glorify God.