Heart Training

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Memory Lane

I took a special trip down memory lane recently as I anticipated the birth of our first grandchild. The thought of a grandson led me to his father’s, my son’s, baby book. What joy and delight the memories brought to my mind!


One of the poignant notes I found was from when our son was in the fourth grade:

The memory reads: “From AWANA, Jakob was reciting ‘How do you help other people?’ His book said, ‘Be patient, encourage each other, love them as God does, and put others’ needs before your own.’ Just then, a light bulb turned on in his mind and he said, ‘It’s just like we do here!’ As mom, I felt like I just got paid!!”


With my children now adults, it sure was heart-warming to read that. God is patient and grew me spiritually as my children were also growing. I praise God for his grace in cultivating the loving family life with which he blessed us. I believe it was fostered, in part, by being grounded in God’s Word, hiding it in our hearts, and applying it. In addition to the AWANA program, the kids and I would memorize Bible verses and passages. The academic goal was for strengthening their brains; the spiritual goal was for growing in the knowledge of God to be able to worship, trust, love, obey, and serve him.


The renewing of our minds translated into a loving, joy-filled, respectful family life. To God be the glory! Still, it was not without selfishness, sin, and regrets; we practiced mercy and forgiveness - and we still do. God worked in our weaknesses, and through us - and he still does.  


Making the Word an integral part of our day encouraged not keeping God in a box for certain times. I can envision Matthew 5:16 posted on the door heading into the garage, motivating us to do good deeds to let Jesus’ light shine through us. We learned Ephesians 5:10-18, the armor of God passage, to remind us how to fight evil. We memorized Romans 12 to motivate us to be transformed by God’s words and use our spiritual gifts to serve others.


The concept of Do LAPS! was part of our homeschool lives. I saw how effective God’s Word is when we meditate on it and allow the Holy Spirit to work in us. Peace, love, and joy do come from knowing and living for Jesus!