Heart Training

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Name That Tune

Think of a song from your past.

What does it conjure up in your mind? What emotions? What scene?

It is crazy to me that after not hearing a song for 35 years, the lyrics flow from my lips as if I never stopped listening. Depending on the song, that may or may not be good.

Ah, the power of music. At times we use music to set our moods. Other times, our moods and mindset are altered by the music.

Music can be harnessed for good when we choose lyrics that align with godly principles. Especially knowing the power of music, we should be careful with what our minds and emotions absorb. Most parents seem to be careful with what lyrics their children hear. Why should we care less about what our own ears hear?

I think we tend to think we can separate what we take in from what we put out; however, as the old saying goes, “Garbage in, garbage out.”

Let’s encourage the opposite: “Treasure in, treasure out.”

Psalms have been a cornerstone of praise, and hymns have blessed many with foundational Christian truths. Christian radio has also benefited listeners, including families who desire clean lyrics for their children. 

Why not have music take your mind to a concept from a Bible verse you have studied and memorized? God’s Word says to think on things that are right, pure, and noble (Philippians 4:8).

When you train for godliness using Keep on Track, you listen to a song – contemporary or hymn – that correlates to the weekly verse’s theme that you are studying. This is a powerful way to keep the matters of God in your mind. Maybe you want to make a playlist of the songs as you work through the study. Use the select music to keep your mind actively pursuing holiness.

Let the influence of music help you grow in godliness as you cling to the Word.