Heart Training

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Planted to Grow

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Planted to Grow

Do you ever gaze at plants and ponder the astounding ways God designed them? To think of a plant growing from a seed – hard, coated objects of various size, shape, color, and texture – it’s miraculous! God is infinitely creative, and with our eyes open and our hearts humble we are held in awe.


Seeds planted in soil need the right conditions to grow: the right temperature, the right nutrients, the right amount of water. Then, they activate what the seed already holds to transform into a plant.


Jesus spoke about the word of the kingdom (Matthew 13:19) or word of God (Luke 8:11) as being like a seed planted in a person’s heart. God’s words hold the power to transform our lives. But like seeds in soil, they need the right activators to flourish in the receiver’s heart and life.


God’s words are life changing! Through them we can know him, serve him, and love him, and we become a new creation in him (2 Corinthians 5:17).


Not every person who hears the words of God accepts them. What about ourselves? Do we tend the soil of our souls to allow God’s truths to take root and develop us into his creations for his glory?  


In the parable of the sower, Jesus describes four ways the word of God can be received. The first seed landed on a path, not even on the intended soil. A person whose heart is not ready to receive God’s truths will not entertain his message. When we don’t want to admit our sin, are we even able to recognize our need for repentance?

The second seed landed on rocky ground with not much soil. A person who gets caught up by emotion or does not count the cost of following Jesus will receive his words, but this hearer will not allow them to have effect. When troubles come because of God’s truths, do we take the path of least resistance and decide to fend for ourselves?

The third seed landed on soil which also had thorns growing in it. This person’s faith grows alongside the thorns, but the crowding by worldly concerns stifles the spiritual growth of this person and no fruit is produced. When we take our focus off Christ, do we shift to our self and our worries?

The fourth seed landed on good soil. This receiver’s heart is humble and eager to accept God’s words. This person tends his soul in order to grow in godliness and flourish. He produces fruit in keeping with repentance (Matthew 3:8). When we are firmly rooted in Christ, are we attentive to the work he is doing in us?


Let’s be sure our heart’s soil is providing the right nutrients, the right amount of water, and the right temperature to grow the seeds of faith planted in us. When our hearts are nourished by God’s words and we let the Living Water satisfy our soul and we remain close to Jesus, our Father the gardener will grow our faith beautifully!


Tend to your soul daily as you work through a Heart Training book.