Heart Training

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Soul Refreshment

Refreshment is a balm for the wearied condition. It is defined as restoring strength and animation.

What brings you refreshment?

Different personalities find refreshment in different ways. Introverts feel refreshed by being alone after meeting with many people. Some people enjoy relaxation at a spa before starting ‘the weekly grind’ yet again. Other people feel refreshed after playing sports with a group of friends.


No matter what our personality is, though, God created each of us to be refreshed by him. Nothing else but Jesus will satisfy deeply and completely. How does our time spent with him and following him demonstrate that we really believe that to be true?


Our loving God not only knows how to refresh us and is able to refresh us, he wants to refresh us. “The LORD is my shepherd. I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul” (Psalm 23:1-3a).  


The good shepherd has a vested interest in his sheep, providing for their food, care, rest, and safety. Likewise, Jesus the Good Shepherd tells us that, as our Savior and Lord, he will provide all we need. We do not always know what we need or how to attain what we need, but the Lord does. In his love, mercy, and omniscience he supplies what we need for each day. He wants us to meet with him daily so our needs are met by him, like manna in the wilderness.


As the 1923 hymn Great is Thy Faithfulness reminds us, “Great is Thy faithfulness. Great is Thy faithfulness. Morning by morning new mercies I see. All I have needed, Thy hand hath provided. Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me.” It is refreshing to experience God’s goodness – his faithfulness, mercy, provision, and care – in our lives each day.


We do not need to feel like we are lacking, even during the hard times. God offers us his strength, provides us with peace that is beyond understanding, and allows us joy in him and through him. James 4:8 tells us to draw close to God and he will draw close to us, to approach him with a repentant heart, purified and focused on him.


Soul refreshment can be our reality when we are allowing the Lord to sustain us. What a gift he gives us each day.