Heart Training

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A Change

Are you overwhelmed?

Situations in this life can get overwhelming, which is often not seen as positive.

What is positive, though, is being overwhelmed by God’s loving kindness and patience!

He is patient as we grow in relationship with him.

I regret that particular aspects of selfishness can take me too long to turn over to Jesus.

When I ask God to search my heart and reveal my sins to me, so I may be aligned with what he desires, I am allowing my blinders to be removed. As I grow in the Lord, his majesty overwhelms me, and his love and mercy transform me. His continual refinement of me, a natural effect of this relationship, is growing me into who God wants me to be through Jesus.

How can I live a God-honoring life if I do not know what that is?

How can I trust that God’s ways are best if I do not know his character?

His character defines him, reflects his actions, and reveals his expectations.

His love is compelling. This one true, holy God desires a relationship with you and me. To grow in this relationship we need to spend time in his presence.

Do you allow God to speak to you from his words? I find that when I am solely focused on God, with no distractions, I can sense the gentle – or sometimes strong – nudging of the Holy Spirit.

Sometimes he is drawing me into praise, taking my mind off my cares and onto the holy God. Sometimes he is revealing a sinful attitude of which I need to confess and repent. Sometimes he is prompting me in how to minister to someone in need.

He is deepening my understanding of who God is. The words of the Lord meet each of us where we are, in each stage of our lives.

May we be willing to let God bring about any change he knows we need.

May we feel overwhelmed by the love of God, who desires to work in each of us.