Heart Training

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God is the rescuer, transformer, and protector. Through Jesus and the Holy Spirit, we can be made new.

Do you and I believe this sincerely enough to have the compassion to show others the way to God? As John says in chapter 17:3 (NIV), “Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.” When I read about the transformation and zeal of persecuted Christians, I wonder, “Do I care so much about my salvation and others’ salvation?” It is a sobering question.

I ask myself how I demonstrate my conviction in Jesus as my Lord and Savior, my Redeemer and Transformer.

Do I love Jesus to the extent that I give up my own ways for his?

Do I serve Jesus to the extent of serving others before myself?

Do I honor Jesus to the extent of showcasing his glory for all to see?

These are soul-searching questions. They are hard questions. Some may see them as radical questions. I know they are questions with which a follower of Jesus must wrestle.

Jesus wants all of me – not most of me, not some of me.

As I study God’s Word, I get a deeper sense of who he is. He reveals to me his character. I have learned that his desires and commands are consistent with his character. God is the kind of god I want to give my whole being to worship. I can trust this type of god! I cannot say the same for the gods of this culture: work, social media, pleasure, fame… No, they will fail me.

As I submit to Jesus, loving him whole-heartedly and forgiving others, I receive his peace. This peace assures me that Jesus is enough.

Almighty God is enough to meet each of our needs and fulfill our desires as we delight in him. He is enough to transform us into the person he created each one of us to be.