Heart Training

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We live in a visually based world. Almost 80% of our impressions are received by sight.


We make decisions by it and are entertained by it. Adults and children are often entrenched in visual stimulation on cell phones, iPads, and computers. The likes of Instagram and TikTok create false visions of what is important for life and personhood. Our lives seem to hinge on a screen. At the same time, it’s as if we are looking through a screen, which obstructs our view.


Not only does what we see fail, but our eyes fail us. Clear sight may fail us with impaired vision, literally and figuratively. What catches our eyes can often be deceiving and cause disruption. Even children know that a cute face might sway mom or dad’s discipline. What could be more important than appearance? The heart.


God looks right through our shell of appearance and into who we are. Our heart condition reveals whose we are. “Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7b.)


As parents, it benefits our children when we emphasize their character over their appearance. Looks change as they grow, opinions of what looks good varies, and looking for ways to garner attention can often be problematic. Character and the condition of their heart are measured by the Lord. His standards are constant. His grace brings transformation in us.


Many of God’s directives reflect back to 1 Samuel 16:7b , since what is in our heart comes out in our thoughts and actions. If you are using Do LAPS!, you’ll find 1 Samuel 16:7b for the letter M. One of the extra activities for that verse is reading Max Lucado’s book “You are Special, “ which tells a beautiful story related to the verse and the value God places on each person he creates. Why not treat yourself and your child to it?


Children need to see clearly. Let’s give them a vision for God’s standards, confident of how much they are loved by their creator.