All In

Have you ever had the opportunity to be part of a new venture and been asked, “Can we count on you to be all in?”  


What goes through your mind? Are you considering all the time, energy, and passion that you need to invest? Depending on the opportunity, that is a huge commitment! Sometimes it can even come at the expense of relationships and personal ambitions.


One particularly demanding venture – adventurous undertaking – is worth the cost: following Jesus.


Jesus told his listeners (Luke 9:23) that if they want to follow him, they had to be all in – fully committed to him (not just his cause). In order to know him, serve him, and become like him, they would need to give up their personal desires, expectations, and self-will to the point of being willing to die for him, as Jesus would do for them.


When Jesus spoke, he made it clear that following him meant being all in. After relating how a builder must count the cost of putting up a tower or a king must count the cost of going to war, Jesus emphasized that each individual must count the cost of following him (Luke 14:25-35).


Following Jesus still means going all in. Jesus wants all of us and demands that we be in his will. We cannot live in both the ways of the world and in the ways of God. Jesus was emphatic in telling his disciples that they cannot serve two masters – there will be conflict of interest (Matthew 6:24).   


This all-or-nothing mentality can seem harsh to our limited minds. In reality, though, anything Jesus has to offer is far better what we could imagine. Jesus gave up his life so we can have eternal life with him, through him. He is life, joy, peace, truth, and so much more. As we become more like Jesus by remaining in him, we, too, will face struggles such as he did while on Earth. We are to expect that, even anticipate it, as we represent his light, his truth, and his gospel. Jesus gives us, as his followers, his Holy Spirit to minister to us in many ways. How often do we realize the magnitude of such a personal gift?


In Galatians 5:24-25 (ESV) we read, “And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit.” Think on that as you listen to “I Surrender All (All I Am).”


Knowing Jesus fully means being all in.

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