Are You Hungry?

Have you ever been so hungry that it felt like you had not eaten for a week?

Probably most of us have not literally been in that situation. We exaggerate our food desires and misinterpret our stomach rumblings. A standard meal schedule is three times per day, with snacks. We would not think of depriving our physical state.

No one would ever agree that eating one meal once per week would give a body the energy and nutrition it needs for each day of a week.

It is too easy, however, to think nothing of feeding oneself spiritually once per week.

The thoughts can range from ‘my church service will charge me for the week’ to ‘my days are too busy to fit in Bible and prayer time.’ Of course, if we really think about those reasonings, we have to admit they have holes in them like Swiss cheese.

We are in the flesh now, but the spirit lasts for eternity. It is easy to enjoy the instant gratification of eating and drinking, quenching our hunger and thirst. Like a check list, that is satisfying. Getting spiritually fed does not always have that instantaneous effect, but it is long lasting and nourishing.

Time spent in the Lord’s presence sustains us. It can provide us with peace, joy, comfort, and conviction.

As I grow deeper in my time with the Lord, I experience those blessings. When I allow my mind and spirit to be fully engaged with God through praise and prayer, I am satisfied in him.

I challenge you to invest in your spiritual health. “For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come” (1 Timothy 4:8 NIV).

One way to get your daily spiritual food is by working through Do LAPS! or Keep on Track.

The spiritual lessons are nourishing for your heart, mind, and soul.