Are You in Training?

There’s an excitement with watching athletes perform at the peak of their skills!


At a sporting event, we see brief moments of this tense exertion. We don’t usually dwell on the efforts invested from coaching, self-discipline, and repetition, as the team focused on success.



Some of the biblical writers parallel aspects of the Christian faith to athletics.

We can find comparisons to having a coach, a team, practice, self-discipline, repetition, and trials. And, there is training for a prize!


In this analogy, the coach is a mature believer, teaching through the study of God’s Word about our faith in Jesus. The team is comprised of fellow believers, both near and far, adopted sons and daughters of God. We put our faith into practice as we read and study, pray and worship, serve and encourage. There is self-discipline as we give up our selfish ways to conform to Christ. Knowing him is the most important aspect of the Christian faith. We repeat trusting God through obedience, in gratitude and joy, in our daily circumstances. Working out our faith, we repent, worship, love, and forgive. As we endure trials, God disciplines us, and we continue training in godliness with our eyes focused heavenward.



As the apostle Paul encourages, we train ourselves to be godly because this has value for all things present and future (1 Tim. 4:7b–8). It takes effort. Just like an athlete is not instantly skilled, a Christian is not instantly Christlike. We will reach that work of God in us when we see Jesus, our redeemer, face to face (Philippians 1:6). Presently, the Holy Spirit is sanctifying us as we humble ourselves and allow him to transform us (Romans 15:16). Our faith entails disciplined training in righteousness as we look forward to receiving the prize of eternal life in God’s presence (1 Corinthians 9:24-27) and a crown of righteousness given by the Lord, the righteous Judge (2 Timothy 4:8). What a reward!



Just as an athlete must comply by the game’s rules, so a Christian must obey Christ (2 Timothy 2:5). Jesus said we must follow him wholeheartedly and steadfastly (Luke 9:23) and love God with our entire being, extending his love to others (Mark 12:30-31). We need to be part of the ‘team’ of believers, earnestly studying God’s truths, and with the Holy Spirit’s help, putting them into action (Hebrews 10:23-25).



Are you serious about working out your faith? Make it a daily practice!


Each of the Heart Training books provides structure and methods to help you grow in godliness, and they even connect you, through prayer and a Bible donation, to another believer across the world!