Bible Movers

The apostle Paul calls Christ followers strangers in this world. As strangers, in contrast to residents, we are just passing through this present life. As believers, we are to answer to God and follow his ways, by the power of the Holy Spirit.

God’s Word is a lamp for our feet and a light for our path as we travel. In order to know God and his ways better, persecuted believers risk much. They desire the lamp of God’s words to shine in the darkness and give hope through daily life struggles.

The ones who transport Bibles also choose to take risks as they deliver God’s Word to persecuted Christians. They need God’s hand to protect them and to blind the eyes of those who desire to hinder the deliveries. Sometimes it takes creative methods and sensitive timing, which God’s wisdom can provide.

Let’s pray for the Bible smugglers as they deliver God’s Word in hostile regions:

Lord God, you are worthy of all praise, and you are worth following. Thank you for your Word, which you gave us to read and share. I ask your blessing on those you call to deliver Bibles into hostile areas. Please protect these workers from danger. Give them creativity and timeliness as they transport the Bibles. Divert the plans of those who seek to thwart your Word’s reception. May the power of Jesus overcome the darkness!