Heart Training

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Bold Witness

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Bold Witness

God wants his message of hope through Jesus made known! For those who share the gospel, this may pose a risk, big or small. Following in Jesus’ footsteps means, likely, suffering in his name. The apostles suffered greatly for proclaiming the hope of Jesus and doing good in the name of Jesus. We read in Acts 5:19-20 of when the imprisoned apostles were released by an angel who instructed them to go into the temple courts to tell people the ‘full message of new life.’ Even so, the apostles continued to face persecution and were ordered to stifle their message. They were, however, not discouraged! In fact, they rejoiced in being counted worthy of suffering disgrace in Jesus’ name (Acts 5:41). Our modern day persecuted members of God’s family also count it a privilege to suffer for the gospel, because they know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jesus is the way to have relationship with God, and they know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they have experienced God’s love.

Let’s pray for boldness within the family of God:

Holy God, you are worthy of all worship! Embolden each of us to lovingly share your gospel with those around us. Forgive us for choosing to feel comfortable rather than risking what may come as we hold out the hope Jesus offers. As we go about each day, increase our desire to live for you, show who you are, and share how you meet our needs through Jesus. May each of us in your family rejoice in you and be vessels of your love, truth, and hope.


Through a Bible donation and weekly prayer, the Heart Training books provide a way to bless persecuted believers. Currently we are ministering to believers in Iran.