Better Together

We are made for community.


We are designed for relationship with God. He created each of us uniquely and gives us completeness through Christ. As the body of believers, we are then called to minister to one another, to bear one another’s burdens, and to share each other’s joys. Individually and in community, God works through us.

In relationship with each other, we can experience more of God’s fullness.


How are you engaging with others in order to grow in the Lord? Perhaps you are thinking of your time at a church service. It can be convenient to consider mingling with other Christians as nourishment for our souls. Although certainly enjoyable and ‘safe,’ this does not necessarily mean sharpening each other as we walk with the Lord. Also, we don’t mature as believers just by listening or reading. We grow by allowing the Holy Spirit to work in us as we contemplate, discuss, and practice what we learn. This learning is an active process as we keep our minds on Christ.


As followers of the Light in a world of darkness, we need to help each other stay focused on the One we serve. We are better together, unified. One-on-one or in a small group, we can study God’s truths, share how he is at work in our lives, pray for each other, and help each another stay accountable to living in ways that honor the Lord (Colossians 3:12-17).


This means we must choose to be engaged, not passively present.


Who is your friend, mentor, or small group of believers with whom you meet regularly to encourage in Christ (1 Thessalonians 5:11)? During such times as this our faith is nourished. We are stretched and sometimes challenged. Together, we can delve into the Word to confirm what God says about a matter and remember who he says he is. As we grow with each other, we get practice in grace, forgiveness, and love. God uses these times to humble us and draw us toward him.


Let’s make time to meet with others and have conversations about how our great God is at work around us and in us. Using Follow and Lead or Keep on Track is one way to foster intentional conversations, hold each other accountable to daily time in the Word and memorizing scriptures, and pray for each other.


Instead of waiting for an invitation, invite someone to join you with God-centered heart training!