The Reason for the Season

Do you have an extra special Christmas memory?

One memory worth passing on is the reason for the season.

The ‘Christmas story’ – the true story of Jesus’ birth – has lasted over two thousand years, but it was foreshadowed hundreds of years prior. God had interacted with his people in various forms and revealed his power in many ways, but God coming to Earth in the form of a human would be the ultimate gift to his creation.


The gift of life – the birth of a child – is always miraculous!

No one can create a human life except God. He formed us in our mother’s womb, creating each working part of our body, giving us nourishment through our mother. We come from a dark place into the light of life!

At Christmas time, we think about Jesus as a baby. Little children at church sing ‘Away in a Manger.’ Children dress in costume and one lucky girl playing Mary gets to hold the doll as baby Jesus. As adults, we put up a manger scene, placing Jesus carefully at the center.


Do we pause to consider the magnitude of little baby Jesus?


Like any newborn, the nurturing in his mother’s womb and his birth was a miracle of God. Unlike any human baby, Jesus the Son of God did not begin life in this way. He had been eternally present with the Father in Heaven. He created, orchestrated, and continually received worship – all before coming to Earth! In the heavenly lights, Jesus reigned with God.

Then, he left that for darkness, both physical and spiritual. In the womb he was restrained and without light. When he was born, he entered a spiritual darkness to be the light of the world. Let’s remember why Jesus had to be born. Just as his birth was like no other, his death was like no other. He came to die and live again, conquering sin and death! He then reclaimed his rightful place in Heaven with the Father.


It takes intention and effort to keep our Christmas celebration Christ centered. So much about the season focuses on anything other than Jesus. We can buy plaques that read, ‘Jesus is the Reason for the Season,’ but what message is being read by our celebration?


Why not give your children the gift of knowing God and Jesus by doing Do LAPS! together. Merry Christmas!