By Memory

What do you know by memory?

Math facts? TV episodes? Your best friend’s favorites?

What we deem important to have mentally ‘at the ready’ is what we remember. The effects of memorizing vary - to make quicker mental work, to guide our thought processes, to be ready to honor another, etc.

These effects also pertain to memorizing scriptures. When we memorize God’s Word, we honor him, and our mind is guided by what he knows is best. It is wonderfully comforting to know we can rest in knowing God is in control as we follow him. We do not have to waste time fumbling in sin or worrying about issues.

Recently, I was finding my mind swirling with concerns. Philippians 4:6-7 came to mind, reminding me to not be anxious, but instead to give my concerns to God in an attitude of thankfulness. He supplies me with peace as I give him control.

Then there are the times when I am frustrated with someone, and I remember that 1 Peter 4:8 reminds me to love deeply, because love covers over another’s sins. Luke 6:36 puts my attention on how God is merciful to me, therefore I owe others mercy.

When I am tempted to complain, the Holy Spirit brings to mind Philippians 2:14, “Do everything without grumbling or arguing.”

Wouldn’t it be amazing to have God’s ways embedded in your heart to guide your thoughts and actions? You can!

Memorizing scriptures is a powerful way to transform our thinking, therefore our actions. Paul tells us in Philippians 4:8 that we should think on that which is true, noble, kind, pure, lovely, and admirable. Surely when our thoughts are godly our actions follow suit. What is in our heart determines our thoughts and actions. Loving God with all our heart and mind means focusing on him. God is worthy of our attention, praise, and worship.

Romans 12:2 challenges us be transformed by the renewing of our mind. Then we will know God’s will, and as a Christ follower, obedience should follow. Our loving, powerful God provides us with the ability to grow in righteousness.

Our minds are powerful. Let’s use scripture memory to grow in godliness!