Have you ever wanted something so badly that you considered doing whatever it would take to have it? For those who desire a closer relationship with God through Jesus – resulting in obedience to him, that question takes on a deeper meaning. For believers in countries that persecute Christians, their bold choices might result in job loss, shunning, imprisonment, or death. They understand that God’s opinion matters most, in all areas of their life. Reading their Bible, holding a church service, and telling others about Jesus – for the sake of worshiping him – are decisions they make which may go against their government or country’s forced religion. When their faith is tested they cling to God’s promises hidden in their hearts to help them persevere, because they want to be found faithful.
How badly do we want to know God’s truths so that we can stand firm during spiritual attacks and be a witness for the Lord? It’s worth considering.
Let’s pray for our fellow believers in regions hostile to Christians:
Holy God, you deserve all worship. Thank you for extending yourself to us by being relational. May we, with all of your children, always choose to value knowing you personally through Jesus. We bring before you our brothers and sisters in Christ who are choosing you in the midst of oppressive attempts to stifle or change their faith. Protect their efforts to read from your Word and give them courage to put your words into practice. As you promise, be their rock and firm foundation. Be their safety and their strength as they build their lives on you in face of opposition (Matthew 7:24-25). Bless them as they persevere in their faith, never alone because you are with them.
With your purchase a Heart Training book, a Bible is given to a persecuted Christian and you get to support this believer through prayer.