Doing Good

“Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as you ever can.”


This popular motivational saying is attributed to John Wesley, a 1700s evangelist and theologian. I have noticed ‘doing good’ popping up regularly in my Bible readings, and this quote is reflected in many verses. The Wesleyan words are summed up well in Titus 2:14c, encouraging us to be zealous for good works.

Timothy advises that the scriptures equip us for doing good work. The apostle Paul reminds the believers of the church in Ephesus that they are God’s work of art, created to do the good works that God has for them to accomplish. Paul encourages the Galatians to faithfully sow good deeds to honor the Holy Spirit, who in due time will give reward. David motivates us to trust in the LORD and do good.

We are not good compared to God, but we can act on his behalf. By doing good deeds that shine Jesus’ light though us, we can draw attention to God so he will receive praise.


Lives are changed because Jesus did good… and he continues this in and through our lives!  Much of Jesus’ ministry demonstrated his compassion and love for people. In Acts 10:38, Paul reports that Jesus went around doing good because God was with him. While on Earth, Jesus listened and answered, befriended and taught, provided and fed. He healed, physically and spiritually. The ultimate good deed Jesus did for people was providing a way for us to enter into relationship with the Father.


Jesus is our ultimate example for doing good and loving others. Are you getting to know him well so you can follow his lead?


Both Keep on Track and Do LAPS! start and end with the concept of good works:

2 Timothy 3:16-17 (KT letter A) – God’s Word helps us to be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

1 Peter 4:8 (DL letter A) – Loving others is demonstrated in good works.

Titus 2:14c (KT, DL letter Z) – We are to be eager to do good works!


Reflect on how good Jesus has been to you. How does he inspire you to be zealous for good works?