Family of Believers

Just think, the God we worship is the sovereign ruler of the universe and the Heavenly Father to all who are adopted through Jesus. He is both overarching and personal. Everything exists for God and through him (Hebrews 2:10). For the body of believers, this unification in God can evoke a sense of purpose, responsibility, and peace. There is strength in numbers – “a chord of three strands is not quickly broken” (Ecclesiastes 4:12b NIV). We can uphold in prayer those in the family of God as we fight the spiritual battle for their hearts to be focused on Christ, their minds to not give in to temptation, and their lives to be in God’s will. Hebrews 2:11 (NIV) reads, “Both the one who makes people holy and those who are made holy are of the same family. So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers and sisters.” The family of God around the world is united in Jesus, and we have the blessing of supporting each other through prayer.


Let’s pray for our persecuted family members:

Thank you, God, for bringing us into your family, uniting us through Christ. We bring before you our persecuted brothers and sisters, these courageous examples of believers living out their faith in the face of adversity. In their struggles, we ask that you help them stay focused on Jesus, their faithful savior who includes them as family. Give them perseverance and hope as they endure difficult situations for the sake of their Lord. As they face temptations, may they not harden their hearts, but rather hold firmly to the faith they profess, choosing to honor you. Bless them with your amazing presence, power, and peace.


As you work through your Heart Training book, remember to pray for the persecuted Christian who is reading God’s Word, too!