Family Ties

Family ties are strong. Usually even the roughest family relationships reveal their bond when one of them is down and out, needing help. We don’t know most of the members in the family of God, of course, but we are bonded to them through Christ. There is a unity which is strengthened in love as we support each other (Ephesians 4:26), and loving each other as brothers and sisters in God’s family demonstrates that we are followers of Jesus (John 13:35). In various ways, we can support the body of believers to encourage them and give them tangible love. Knowing that someone is bringing them before the Lord also helps them feel loved and valued, which is so important to those whose faith can bring isolation and shame. These persecuted believers hold fast to Jesus as their anchor and shield. With our prayers, we can call upon our powerful God to embolden their faith, renew their hope, and use them for his glory, drawing others to Jesus.

Let’s pray, using 1 Peter 1:3-10 as our guide, that through their trials they would experience hope:

Praise be to you, God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! Thank you for your mercy that has given our persecuted brothers and sisters new hope and an inheritance that will never perish, spoil, or fade. Please continue to shield them by your power. In following Jesus’ example, they are suffering trials for putting their trust in him, and so we ask you, God, to strengthen their faith, that it may be proven genuine and bring you glory. Please bless our brothers and sisters with the inexpressible joy of knowing you and loving you.