Heart Training

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God's Love

Love can cause a myriad of emotions, can’t it? We often assign the word ‘love’ and how it feels according to our situations and perspectives.


We can toss the word around so flippantly. We speak of loving our favorite food, a great show, a fabulous vacation spot, a special person…. The true essence of it has been watered down, and the value of its meaning has been cheapened.


When we get to the heart of the matter, love is defined by God. God is love (1 John 4:16). Also, “The LORD is slow to anger, abounding in love and forgiving sin and rebellion” (Numbers 14:18a). God is so much more than just love. We must be careful to not limit him to only one aspect.


God’s love is deep and wide, and nothing can separate us from it when we are in him. As Andrew Ripp sings in his song For the Love of God, “Where would I be if it wasn’t for the love of God?” He continues, “If it wasn’t for my failures and mistakes, I would never know the depth of this grace. Now my heart is beating for Heaven’s sake and for the love of God.” We can express our eternal gratitude for how Jesus demonstrated his love for us by surrendering to him.   

God longs for us to receive his all-encompassing love and live in it. Jesus told his disciples, “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now, remain in my love” (John 15:9). Because of his love for us, he enables us to love others (1 John 4:19).

God’s love is not dependent on our circumstances, but our circumstances can help us better understand his love. Our despair can remind us of how much we need God and how much he loves us. Our elation can remind us of how gracious God is and how much he loves us. Our ‘normal’ can remind us of how faithful God is and how much he loves us.


Let’s remember God’s acts of love, each day.

Let’s allow ourselves time to bask in his love.

Let’s, then, be propelled by his love for us.

May God’s love for us overflow to those around us!