Heart Training

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Greater is He

In times of uncertainty, it’s helpful to consider God’s character.

Is God who you make him to be based on your circumstances? Or is he who he says he is, which we can read in the Bible? He is always greater than we can imagine.

Who do you say God is? Have you found him to be merciful, faithful, forgiving, and kind? Omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient? God is even so much more!

God’s character reveals the firm foundation we can build our lives upon through Jesus. No matter how we feel or what the circumstances are, God remains the same. In turbulent times, we can anchor to the One who is our Rock. When we get caught up in the crazy, depressing state of what is going on around us, are we forgetting who the almighty God is? He is greater than what our eyes see.

God instructed the Israelites to recount the ways he provided for them. They were to pass on these remembrances to the generations, so who they serve and whose they are would not be forgotten. They were active in recalling the greatness of God, who gave them refuge.

Paul writes in 2 Thessalonians 3:16 that the Lord of peace himself is able and willing to give us peace, at all times and in all ways. How comforting this is in such times of political, social, educational, and relational upheaval. As Christ followers, we have been given the Holy Spirit to counsel and guide us – and he does so much more. We can exchange our worry for the Lord’s peace when we give our cares to the Lord. ‘What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer! O, what peace we often forfeit. O, what needless pain we bear, all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer.’

That lyrical line from “What a Friend we have in Jesus” reminds us that Jesus is greater than our troubles. When our emotions get muddled with the problems we see in front of us, may we remember God’s character and entrust our lives to him.

Greater is he who is in us than he who is in the world.