Our bodies are complex, aren’t they? To echo the psalmist, we are fearfully and wonderfully made, and it honors the Creator to keep these intricate machines of ours functioning well.

When I am feeling intentional and determined, I choose food that will help my body run well, although sometimes taste and convenience deter me. Eating bran promotes good health. It’s not usually the first thing to tempt our taste palette, since it does not taste as sweet as sugar. It is also not empty in calories like sugar and not addictive like sugar. However, eating bran adds necessary fiber to our diet, helps with digestion, leaves us feeling full/satisfied, and provides us with nutrients.

Our spiritual being also needs to be fueled well, and some BRAN - Bible Reading Action Notes - can help with that, too!

It doesn’t do me any good when I breeze through a chapter in the Bible, not remembering what I read. BRAN can help grow my understanding of what God’s Word says and strengthen my faith as I put what I read into practice. As I think on the verses, the Holy Spirit teaches me. Lingering with an open heart allows me to glimpse more of God’s holiness and the love of Jesus’ sacrifice, and I am spurred on to live more obediently in his love.

As you invest in your spiritual growth, try a serving of BRAN as you read each chapter of a book in the Bible. Keep a journal for your active reading.

A serving of BRAN includes:

1.       One to two sentence summary of the chapter’s content.

 2.       One impactful ‘take-away’ you get from the reading of the chapter.

 3.       One verse that impacts you. Write this verse, its reference, and why it impacts you.

 4.       One other verse to write as a prayer. Add more to it for your own spiritual growth.

 5.       One question that you are wondering from the reading.


Discussing this all with another person who read the same chapter fosters an atmosphere of spiritual encouragement and prayer, which are important aspects for growing in faith.

Watch your relationship with God strengthen through your servings of BRAN!