
They will know we are Christians by our love.


This line from a 1960s Christian hymn sings the message from John 13:35, when Jesus is preparing his disciples for his return to the Father.


The New Testament letters remind us that followers of Jesus ought to be set apart from others by how they act in love toward each other. Jesus gave the disciples his example of serving them. This unity is to be within our local church body and the global family of Christians. Is this the impression the modern church leaves?


In my Bible reading recently, I have read accounts of how the Holy Spirit creates unity among sincere followers of Christ, through their love for each other. These followers are choosing God’s ways. They are ministering to each other tangibly and practicing spiritual accountability through love, truth, and grace. There is a humility of heart and worship of Jesus shown by obedience.


How beautifully powerful it would be for a family of believers, be it a literal family or a church family, to be set apart by their love for each other. “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins” (1 Peter 4:8 NIV, letter A in Do LAPS!). Bitterness and pride lead to factions, but exuding grace and forgiveness can foster unity and holy living as each person strives to honor the Lord.


As Christians, we are to hold each other accountable to living our lives in alignment with what God commands. Sometimes that can be uncomfortable. That may relate to the giver or the receiver, perhaps stemming from false perceptions and pride. When encouraging in love, with a mindset of cheering each other on in the faith journey, accountability can be easier. This can happen when the giver’s attitude is one of humility, grace, and love and when the receiver’s attitude is one of humility and a desire to please God. Hearts set on glorifying God brings peace.


Opening our lives to each other in love makes room for encouragement -  through prayer and community. Let’s cheer each other on as we run the race with perseverance and fix our eyes on Jesus.


May we strive for unity, with Jesus at the center and chords of love binding us.