Holding onto Hope

In everyday life, we may not get pushback for being a Christian. We count it a blessing. Perhaps it should give us pause to consider how we are living out our faith or with whom we are sharing it. When Jesus was with his disciples, he told them that they, like him, would experience difficulties. The New Testament authors foreworn of persecution, writing that we should even count it a privilege because Jesus our savior suffered for us. “If you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name” (1 Peter 4:16 NIV). There are many heroes of the Christian faith who endured persecution and many who were martyred for their commitment to Christ. For believers in countries around the world today where persecution is the expected reality, living out their faith in Christ is a challenge they accept. They put into practice Hebrews 10:39 (NIV), “But we do not belong to those who shrink back and are destroyed, but to those who have faith and are saved.” Their hope-filled faithfulness can remind us of what it means to die to self in order to glorify God and look toward the reward of what God promises in eternity with him (Hebrews 10:35-36).

Let’s pray, based on Hebrews 10:23-39, for these believers holding onto hope:

Thank you, God, for being our firm foundation. We bring before you those who are committed to Jesus in places that are blatantly against you, the one true God. May your Spirit provide encouragement and boldness to these brothers and sisters. Please guide them and use them for your glory as they proclaim your truth! We know you will avenge those who trample on Jesus’ name and persecute his followers. As these believers endure, help them to offer forgiveness as was given by you, to cling to the joyful peace that comes from you, and to hold onto the hope of eternity with you.

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