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If I Ran My Life

Have you heard of the book If I Ran the Zoo, by Dr. Seuss?

Perhaps you are more familiar with If I Ran My Life, by each human who ever lived.  


If I Ran My Life is not a book I really want to author. How about you? Trying to run one’s own life does not lead to the life God desires. Our selfish short-sightedness can cause problems – missed experiences, stunted successes, and strained relationships, to name a few. We would miss many experiences with God, for his thoughts and ways are greater than ours, as Isaiah 55:8-9 tells us. We would not grow into who he calls us to be, which is so much more than we could ask or imagine.


Submitting to Jesus translates into letting God direct our life; we choose to give over control to him, rather than making decisions that are inherently selfish. Our omniscient God knows what is best for us, so it makes sense to trust him and follow his lead. He knows how we are designed, and he sees how everything works out in the past, present, and future.


Giving over control when we cannot see the curves in the road of life is challenging. As we get older, we like to be in control, yet at the same time we fondly remember the ‘good old days’ of having no worries because our parents and others in charge met all of our needs.


When we were children, we had to fully depend on our parents. When their choices did not match our wishes we may have momentarily rebelled, but overall we trusted their decisions and out of respect and love, obeyed them. When we had a need, we sought their provision. When we were hurt, we wanted their consolation. When we were confused, we sought their advice; and we showed them our love with smiles and hugs, little handmade gifts and simple treasures. Yes, we had childlike faith, confident in being loved.


Jesus wants us to have childlike faith in him, confident in how much he loves us. He is capable, and desires, to be our provider, comforter, and guide each day of our life. When we trust completely in him and rest in his care for us, the burden of each day seems lighter. In fact, it is, because we have given him control.


When God Runs My Life, by Jesus followers, is a book whose chapters are meant to be shared with others!