Heart Training

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What is influencing your family?


Influence, as defined by Merriam-Webster, is the power of causing an effect in indirect or intangible ways. In day-to-day happenings, there is much that can influence us, especially through technology and peer pressure.


Think about some of the influences on your children. Especially related to technology, it is worth the time to assess the content that so easily gets into children’s minds. As parents, do we think about the power of social media/TV/video games, outside of its ease as a babysitter? Do we read the lyrics of music, see the images on a screen, and hear the underlying messages of the content?


There are times when it can seem energy zapping or emotionally draining to fully engage with our children, whether it be all day, when they return from school, or when a parent returns from work. We all have an abundance on our minds and in our schedules. Nevertheless, children need their parents’ guidance and face-to-face engagement. Nothing can replace that. This responsibility is a God-given privilege.


When our mindset is to influence our children to raise them up in the Lord and give them an anchor that does not shift with the culture’s tides, the Lord will give us the strength to do that. He always provides for what he requires. If we are not laying the foundations for a moral compass, hope, and joy, then the culture will too easily knock our children down into confusion and despair.


Choosing to honor Jesus will not be the norm offered during most school time, friend time, or social media time. It can be the norm, however, during your time as a family. Allow your children the peace and security that comes with their family desiring to know God and honor him through the day-to-day moments. When a family member messes up, she or he will experience forgiveness. When someone has a happiness, she or he will be celebrated. When someone has a struggle, she or he will be prayed for and encouraged.


When Jesus is honored, his ways followed, and his relationship nurtured, the safety net to grow in a loving family unit is fostered. God will be glorified, and your family will be blessed.  


How will you choose to influence your family?